Treatment of Cat Constipation

By Dr. Ritu Krishnatreye, BHMS

Treatment of cat constipation

Unfortunately, constipation in cats is not rare. It is more common in older cats, but is not at all uncommon in younger cats, either.

After we discuss signs of cat constipation and what may be behind it, we will look at a number of ways to treat it.

Signs of cat constipation

  • A lack of bowel movements

  • Straining during defecation

  • A loss of appetite

  • A loss of interest in normal activities

  • Lethargy

Causes of cat constipation

The causes of constipation in cats is quite similar to what is experienced by humans.

• A lack of dietary fiber

• Not enough physical activity

• Dehydration

Other causes include:

  • Swallowing indigestible objects

  • Medications

  • Stress

  • A medical condition

Fortunately, this distressing condition can be easily managed with some dietary and lifestyle modifications. Let us have a look at them these great treatments for cat constipation. 

6 Ways to Treat Constipation in Cats

There are several things that you can do at home so that your can have a better experience with bowel movements. These methods are natural, safe and effective for relieving constipation in cats. 

1. Dietary changes

This is the most important thing a person can do to deal with cat constipation.

  • If your cat is feeding only on dry, ready to eat cat foods, you may need to think about including food items that contain moisture.

  • Make sure and buy high quality cat food that contains good amount of fiber. A high fiber diet can increase stool volume, which is needed to stimulate the colon, leading to defecation.

  • Along with the packaged cat food, give your some home made, fresh foods. This may include fresh meat or carrots, canned pumpkin or bran cereal.

  • Dehydration is another major reason for constipation in cats. Try to keep fresh drinking water available for your cat. Some cats may enjoy drinking a little milk or cream. Do what you can to encourage your cat to stay hydrated. 

2. Involvement in some physical activity

Your cat may have sluggish bowel movements due to a lack of physical activity.

For older cats, try to find ways to keep them physically active. For younger cats, make sure they have room to run around and play.

Exercise not only promotes healthy digestion, it also helps to keep your cat healthy; this makes a fantastic natural treatment for your cat's constipation needs. 

3. Ionic sea minerals

An effective home remedy for cat constipation is to give your cat a little beneficial trace minerals.  

4. Proper grooming

Regular brushing helps to remove excess fur that might otherwise be ingested by kitty as she grooms. Hair balls can result in digestive problems, including constipation. 

5. A clean litter box

Your cat may be avoiding defecation because of a dirty litter box, so make sure and clean the litter box regularly.

6. Home remedies

There are numerous tried and tested home remedies for cat constipation.  They include psyllium husk, milk, broth and petroleum jelly.

  • Milk can help to stimulate bowel movements. Give a little milk to your cat twice a day. Make sure you don’t give too much as it may cause diarrhea.

  • Oat bran is a natural laxative for pets. It contains a high amount of fiber. Mix one teaspoon of powdered oat bran in your cat’s food and then get ready for some results.
  • Pureed beets can work wonders for constipation relief. They contain a good amount of water and fiber. These are two important ingredients for treatment of cat constipation. Mix one tablespoon of pureed beet root into your cat’s food. 

  • Olive oil is another laxative that can alleviate feline constipation. Just add a few drops to your cat’s food. 

An Underlying Medical Condition

If the above home remedies do not work, consult your vet. There is a chance that your cat might be suffering from an underlying medical condition.

Medical conditions that may cause cat constipation

Overuse of antibiotics and other medications, hypothyroidism, anal conditions, megacolon and other neurological conditions are some of the medical causes of constipation in cats. In case any of these are suspected, a trip to the vet is in order.

Impacted feces should be dealt with

In the case of impacted feces, your vet may prescribe a laxative.

Do not give laxatives to your cat unless you consult your vet first. If not dealt with, impacted feces may result in intestinal obstruction.

If this happens, it can be life threatening. If your cat hasn’t defecated in a couple of days and you notice any signs of anxiety or stress, consult your vet immediately.

Regular veterinary exams

Regular visits to the vet can help to catch health problems before they become severe.

It is advised that older cats visit their vet every six months for a rectal and anal sac examination. This will help to detect any problems early so that necessary steps can be taken.

Conclusion, treatment of cat constipation

Constipation can be a very troublesome and uncomfortable condition for your little furry friend. Of course, your cat can’t tell you what’s wrong, making it important to look for constipation symptoms.

(Return from Treatment of Cat Constipation to Constipation in Cats)

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