About Me

About me. My name is Paul Schneider Jr. I am from southwest Nebraska, went to college in Grand Rapids, MI and now live in Newnan, GA.

My qualifications to write on constipation

Any time I become interested in something, I have a compulsion to spend a great deal of time mastering the subject. Though it may seem a bit excessive to my wife, it brings me a lot of enjoyment.

My friends often come to me for advice in the areas I have studied, and they are the ones that convinced me to start sharing some of my insights with the public. Well, what better way to do this then through websites? Since we all have to make a living, why not make a living doing something you enjoy? I enjoy learning, and then sharing things that are helpful to others.

I currently have 7 websites on various subjects. My  pages on diabetes seem to be the most popular, although many people are also interested in what I have to share about  juicing, and about  structured water.

For many years I had chronic constipation. The memories of all that straining and painful elimination are still fresh in my mind. Thankfully, I fully overcame constipation in 2006, and want to help others do the same.

So I decided to do the research and host a website that looks into every aspect of constipation.  I have spent hundreds of hours studying the subject, and now want to share the insights that I have gained with others.

Other competent writers

Not only have I shared what I have learned, but I have hired numerous doctors from overseas to write on constipation. They are well educated, have a significant amount of clinical experience, and are willing to write for me.

I have also hired a couple of nurses and a pharmacist to write articles. With the added  insights of these medical professionals, I believe that this site offers one of the clearest, most accurate and complete presentations of constipation on the web.

Here are some of my writers:

Besides these, my wife and our daughters  Sarah  and  Stephanie  have some personal insights into constipation, and have helped me in writing articles.

Another woman who has written a few articles is Alana . Here is  her story .

More about me

My parents are strong Christians, and when I was five I chose to  give my heart to Jesus Christ . When I was 11 at Bible Camp I responded to God’s word and offered my body to Him as a living sacrifice (Romans 12:1,2) . I found that allowing God to direct my life  is far superior  to my directing it myself. When I was sixteen the Lord called me to be a missionary .

While in high school I took flying lessons and got my private pilot's license. Upon graduating from high school in 1975, I moved to Grand Rapids, MI to take a 6 year course in Missionary Aviation at Grand Rapids School of the Bible and Music. I graduated commercial instrument pilot's licenses, plus as an A&P airplane mechanic. I also took numerous courses to prepare me to be a pastor.

In the fifth year of school, I married my wife Diane, and the Lord has given us three wonderful children. Shortly after graduating, we applied with  Baptist Mid-Missions ,  raised support, and headed off to Ghana, West Africa with our 2 young daughters. Our son Andrew was born during our first furlough.

Missionaries to Ghana

We were missionaries to Ghana for 18 years. I worked as a missionary pilot, taught in the Bible Institute, mentored pastors, and started churches. My wife is an RN. She treated the sick, and home schooled our children.

It was our intent to serve in Ghana the rest of our lives. However, God had another plan for us. In 1999, circumstances forced us to leave Baptist Mid-Missions. The Lord moved us to a town south of Atlanta, Georgia, where we now live.

My interest in health topics

As we looked for ways to serve God here, the Lord started showing me, a little at a time,  keys for enjoying maximum wellness . These have certainly been a blessing to my wife and I, and to others who read what I write.

Perhaps you are already doing some of these.

Now you know a little more about me. It is my prayer that reading this website will help you in taking control of YOUR bowels.

I have experienced God's supernatural dealings in my life. Here are guidelines for experiencing His supernatural hand in your life as well.

God bless you.

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