Tea for Constipation
A Delightful, Natural Remedy

By J. Paul Roe

Using tea for constipation relief

Tea for Constipation. I'm sure you've heard about the multitude of benefits that come with drinking tea.

For centuries, the beverage has been enjoyed as both a refreshment and a medicinal drink by people the world over. After water, it's the most commonly enjoyed beverage on the planet.   

True tea is made using the cured leaves of the tea plant (Camellia Sinensis) by steeping them in water. The result is a drink that is known for its positive health benefits, ranging from cancer prevention to lowered blood pressure.

Herbal teas are generally made without using tea leaves. It involves steeping herbs or fruitsYou'll commonly find rose hip, chamomile, lavender and rooibos being used in herbal teas.

Brewing a Cup of Tea for Constipation

Along with providing a myriad of heath benefits, tea is also known to provide relief for constipation sufferers. Besides the tea effect, just drinking hot or warm water can have a laxative effect.

There are thousands of tea varieties to choose from, but a select few are considered the best choice for addressing slow bowels or blockages:

  • Black Tea – Contains caffeine, which stimulates the bowels, increasing motility.

  • Green Tea – Similar to black tea, but with the added benefit of a higher dose of free-radical-fighting polyphenols.

  • Clove Tea – Clove oil is a stimulant and an irritant. This should only be used occasionally and in small doses. Prolonged use can be highly toxic.

  • Senna Tea - A potent option that is often more powerful than over-the-counter constipation remedies! Senna is a form of stimulant laxative.

  • Ginger - used together with another type of tea or by itself, this root aids in digestion

  • Fennel Tea – The herb fennel boasts a number of properties, among which is the ability to relax the bowels.

Is Tea for Constipation the Right Option?

As with any holistic treatment, not every avenue works for every person. It's important to consult a physician before experimenting, because some herbal remedies carry drug interactions or side effects that might complicate a medical condition.

That being said, there are a few negatives to consider when deciding to use black, green or herbal teas to fight constipation:

  • Black and green tea – The ingredient in tea that helps with constipation may also cause it to worsen. A moderate amount of the stimulant caffeine may help relieve constipation. However, caffeine it also a diuretic.

    Drinking a lot causes excessive urine production that can lead to dehydration. Dehydration is a primary cause of constipation, resulting in the drying and hardening of the stool. Therefore, drinking too much tea can be counter productive in the battle against constipation.

  • Clove and Senna tea – These are irritants, which means that they are among the harsher forms of laxative. Irritants have a tendency to cause cramping and abdominal pain. Remember that you should never use irritant laxatives over a long term. Doing so can lead to Lazy Bowel Syndrome.

  • Ginger and fennel tea – Fennel has been known to behave like the sex hormone estrogen once it's in the body, and can complicate conditions such as cancer or uterine fibroids.

    There are also reports of fennel tea causing neurological damage to breastfed infants when consumed by their nursing mothers. Ginger can be dangerous if doses are too high, and has been known to cause nausea, diarrhea, bloating and mouth irritation. 

Many of these negative side effects can be avoided by drinking herbal teas sparingly and keeping dosages of holistic remedies to a minimal.

Other Safe & Effective Natural Remedies

While it is possible to minimize the negative side effects of tea and infusions, it is worthwhile to consider other natural remedies that gets the job done without the above mentioned risks.

This is best accomplished by finding a naturally-occurring supplement, such as magnesium, that combats hardened stool and is safe to take over long periods of time.

Just like drinking tea, supplementing your diet with this mineral (80% of Americans don't get enough magnesium from their diet alone) has additional health benefits.

Most importantly for constipation sufferers, magnesium promotes healthy bowel movements by drawing water into the intestines, which softens and moistens the stool.

This gentle laxative effect doesn't cause cramping, unlike that of stimulants and irritants. 

Drink Tea and Live Constipation Free!

As long as it is not overdone, or one drinks extra water to stave off dehydration, tea for constipation can certainly be helpful.

Simply be wary of the side effects and remember that some tea for constipation treatments are only temporary solutions (you don't want to drink Clove tea on a regular basis!)

If you find constipation to be a frequent issue, be sure to drink plenty of water and pick up a long-term solution containing magnesium. Since magnesium may be taken as a daily supplement, it may be just what is needed to break the constipation cycle for good.

(Return from Tea for Constipation to What to Take for Constipation)

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