Prune Juice Constipation
A Classic Natural Remedy the Works!

By Pharmacist Anusuya Kashi
Prune juice constipation relief

Most people with constipation will probably have tried prune juice at least once.

After all, it is considered one of the classic remedies for constipation. The fact that people continue to use it even today is evidence that it works. Prune juice is obtained from prune fruits.

Not only are these highly nutritious, but they contain a lot of fiber. This makes them an effective remedy for constipation.

Prune Juice Constipation

How Prune Juice Works

Prune juice constipation - certain ingredients present in prunes contribute to their laxative effect, such as:

Lots of fiber

Prunes contain insoluble fiber. It does not get dissolved and cannot be absorbed by the body. When this fiber stays in the gut, it acts like a sponge to absorb water.

•    This serves to increase the bulk of fecal matter; this bulk in turn stimulates peristalsis to allow better emptying of the fecal matter from the body.
•    A moist stool is a softer stool, which means easier elimination.
•    The good bacteria in the gut convert the insoluble fiber into butyric acid that has a protective effect on the health of the colon. In other words, consuming prune juice can also help to keep the intestines functioning optimally and have a protective effect against colon cancer.

Sorbitol, for a bulkier stool

Prunes contain sorbitol, a natural sugar that swells in the presence of water. In this way, Sorbitol contributes to the bulkiness of the stool.

Many fruits contain sorbitol but not all of them are good laxatives. Because prunes contain much more sorbitol than other fruits, their laxative action is much greater than other sorbitol-containing fruits.

Stimulating the colon

Prunes also contain a compound called dihydroxy phenyl isatin that has been found to have a stimulating effect on the intestines. So consuming prune juice can stimulate peristalsis.

Therefore, prune juice can help to bring about a more regular elimination of fecal matter, especially in people whose sluggish gut movements are the cause of constipation.

How Much Prune Juice Should I Take?

Prune Juice Constipation

Eating prunes

A single daily serving of 5 prunes can provide a noticeable laxative effect without causing any discomfort. 

However, it is important to remember that each person’s body metabolism is different, so a few days of experimentation will give a better picture of exactly how many prunes are to be taken for good laxative action.

Drinking prune juice

The recommended daily dose of prune juice is 2 glasses of 4 ounces each. For best results, it is good to consume one glass in the morning and the second one at night.

Getting too much

It is important not to exceed the recommended daily dose of prunes or prune juice. The sorbitol in prunes can lead to:

•    Gas that may cause some discomfort
•    Diarrhea that may result in a dangerous loss of body fluids

Is Prune Juice for Me?

Prune juice is one of the oldest natural remedies for constipation and it can work well for chronic constipation.

Although results may happen within hours, longer term results will be evident after about a week. You will know the remedy works for you because it will become easier to “go”.

However, if there is substantial discomfort such as gas or watery stools, it may be an indication that prune juice is not agreeing with the person’s body. Then it is time to think about changing over to another remedy for constipation.

A Magnesium Supplement for Constipation

There are several reasons why magnesium is anvaluable trace minerals that contribute to good health but are not generally found in the average American diet.


As with any over-the-counter remedy, talk with your doctor before starting on a magnesium supplement. Supplemental magnesium may interfere with certain prescription medications.

Those with kidney disease should not take a magnesium supplement unless instructed to do so by their doctor.

In conclusion:

Prune juice is one of the popular laxatives that have been around since many years but it may not agree with everyone who has constipation. If no positive results are forthcoming, it is best to switch over to a natural magnesium supplement to deal with constipation.

(Return from Prune Juice Constipation to Natural Remedies for Constipation)

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