How to Avoid Dehydration

By Dr. Ritu Krishnatreye, BHMS

How to avoid dehydration

Dehydration occurs when a person does not take in enough fluids or loses too many fluids and electrolyte salts from the body. 

The following increase the risk of dehydration.

  • Excessive perspiration while exercising or working hard, especially in the sun

  • Hot summer days, as our bodies sweat to stay cool

  • Old age has special hydration challenges

  • Excessive vomiting and diarrhea

  • Certain medications (diuretics) that flush excessive fluids from the body 

When we lose bodily fluids, we lose the electrolytes that these fluids contain. These electrolytes are mineral ions that carry an electrical charge.

Electrolytes are required for numerous biochemical reactions in the body. The initial loss of bodily fluids causes symptoms such as increased thirst, weakness, nausea and irritability. If fluid loss increases, the symptoms become more severe and start affecting vital organs.

To understand how to avoid dehydration due to fluid loss, we need to replenish electrolytes as well as water.

10 Ways to Avoid Dehydration

1. Drink plenty of water

The most basic way of avoiding dehydration is to keep the body hydrated by drinking lots of water.

By the time we feel thirsty, our bodies are already dehydrated. So it is important to not wait until we feel thirsty.

We should drink water regularly throughout the day. Water intake will vary based on age or the climate we live in. A common standard is to consume 8 to 10 glasses of water each day. Those on a high-protein diet should increase water intake to see how to avoid dehydration.

Editor’s note: For best dehydration, drink structured water that contains life-giving biophotons.

2. Dress for the weather

Wearing excessive clothing when it is warm out makes it difficult for our body to cool itself.

When the weather is hot and humid, it is best to wear lighter clothes to not overheat our bodies. Cotton clothing breathes and is much better in hot and humid conditions.

3. Drink before a workout or sports activity

Pre-hydrate in preparation for a hard workout or a strenuous sports activity.

Drinking 20 to 30 minutes before the activity can help to give our bodies some fluid reserves. Of course, we should continue to hydrate ourselves during the activity.

4. Avoid excessive coffee or colas

Caffeine is a diuretic, which means it increases urine output. Drinking too much caffeine can result in an excessive loss of water from the body.

Beverages such as coffee, tea and many soft drinks can have a diuretic effect. To avoid this, it is best to limit their consumption.

However, it is possible to balance out their diuretic effect by drinking a glass of water for each of these beverages consumed.

5. Avoid excessive alcohol

Like caffeine, alcohol is a diuretic. Therefore, an excessive intake of alcoholic beverages tends to dehydrate the body rather than hydrate it.

Once again, limiting alcohol consumption is advised, or it also may be balanced out by consuming extra water to prevent the risk of dehydration.

6. Drink sports drinks and juices

When trying to avoid dehydration caused by an excess loss of body fluids, don’t just drink water, but drink fluids that contain electrolytes.

Vegetable and fruit juices can help, or there are numerous sports electrolyte drinks on the market that do at least a marginal job of helping to replace electrolytes.

Here is a formula for a more complete sports drink, one that includes a whole host of electrolytes and not just one or two.

Concentrated sea minerals are a wonderful source of electrolyte minerals and trace minerals. It is the key ingredient to this home-made drink.

  • Start by adding ½ to 1 teaspoon of Ionic Trace Minerals to two liters of water.

  • Add 1/8 teaspoon of sea salt for added sodium.

  • Add some flavoring. Lemonade works best for this, as it effectively masks the bitter taste of the electrolytes, making the drink enjoyable. 

7. Stay hydrated when outdoors

In extreme heat, it is better to avoid excessive exposure to the sun.

However, if you have to stay outdoors during peak hours of sunlight and heat, then it is advisable to drink water containing electrolyte to replenish bodily fluids lost by sweating.

Lime juice or buttermilk are two natural electrolyte drinks that can help to keep the body cool and hydrated.

8. Eat fruits and vegetables

Consuming fruits like watermelon during hot and humid conditions is a good idea.

Watermelon is 92% water, plus it is full of electrolytes. Other fruits and vegetables having a high water and electrolyte content can also be helpful in hydrating body.

9. Compensate for pre-existing medical conditions

Any medical condition that affects the body’s fluid and electrolyte balance increases the risk of developing dehydration, especially where there is excessive fluid loss.

Kidney disease, which can be caused by diabetes, and vascular diseases affect the body’s natural ability to maintain the correct balance of fluid during a change in temperature.

Therefore, people with these medical conditions should increase their fluid intake to maintain a proper fluid balance. 

10. Sip throughout the day

Those who are pregnant and the water structuring device

Conclusion, how to avoid dehydration

Water is more than just a thirst quencher, it is the most important nutrient in the body. Bodily fluids all contain a balance of water, salts and sugar. This balance is vital for the healthy functioning of every organ in the body.

When you are sick, be aware of fluid and salt losses and be careful to see how to replace them to prevent  and avoid dehydration. Keep the electrolyte rich fluids coming throughout the day.

Since the body doesn’t have a system to store water, we should always be conscious about drinking water, especially during summers and in times of stressful physical activity. Do not wait to become thirsty before looking for water.

(Return from How to Avoid Dehydration to Chronic Dehydration Symptoms)

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