By Dr. Ritu Krishnatreye, B.H.M.S.
Get rid of constipation
Apart from sedentary lifestyle and medical difficulties, poor diet is one of the main reasons for irregularity.
With that understanding, here in condensed form is the advice I give my patients to help them restore healthy bowel movements without the use of laxatives.
Rich in dietary fiber, vegetables are an excellent way to get rid of constipation.
If you do not like raw salad vegetables, steam them slightly to improve their taste and preserve their nutrients.
Do not overcook them, since overcooking causes vegetables to lose valuable nutrients.
Fruits contain high amounts of nutrients, plus soluble fiber.
They are loaded with vitamins, minerals and other nutrients. In general, fruit juices don’t have nearly as much fiber.
We should eat at least five servings of fruits and vegetables every day. This will help keep our digestion healthy, plus contribute to overall better health.
Known for its anti-oxidant properties, olive oil is also helpful in keeping the gastrointestinal tract in a healthy condition.
Olive oil works in several ways to facilitate digestion and improve the symptoms of constipation.
Flax seeds and coconut oil can be mixed together and chewed each morning for wonderful constipation relief.
Fenugreek seeds are a good option for relieving mild to moderate constipation.
Soak a tablespoon of fenugreek seeds in water for an hour, prepare a paste of soaked seeds and consume it with a glass of warm water.
For more details on what other foods help in relieving constipation, you can read this article that I wrote on the subject.
For many, a sedentary lifestyle is responsible for causing symptoms of constipation.
We are busy, and our 9 to 5 desk job includes very little exercise. Add to this all of our gadgets that make life easier, not to mention spending our relaxation time in front of a computer or TV.
Our lack of physical activity is one of the major contributors to constipation. Here are some exercises that can result in long-term constipation relief.
At times we may need extra help in dealing with constipation.
Taking a magnesium supplement is one of the best ways I know to get our bowels moving and keep them regular. In general, our modern diet does not provide a sufficient amount of magnesium.
It is reported that 80% of Americans don’t get enough in their diet. Constipation is a major consequence of this deficiency.
In fact, if you aren’t getting enough magnesium in your diet, taking one may result in numerous health benefits.
The easiest way to make up a magnesium deficit is to take a daily magnesium supplement.
A healthy digestive system not only makes defecation easier, it also improves our complexions and keeps us in better overall health.
Following the above mentioned measures can help you get rid of constipation.
(Return from Get Rid of Constipation to natural remedies for constipation)
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