Dog Constipation Symptoms

By Dr. Ritu Krishnatreye, BHMS

Dog constipation symptoms

Constipation is a common problem in dogs, especially in older dogs. Most healthy dogs will pass stools once or twice a day.

A day or even two without stools is not a cause of concern, if the stools passed are soft and don’t involve straining.

It is when a dog’s stools are dry and hard stools, or too infrequent, infrequent, that we become concerned.

Your pet can’t tell you when it is constipated; but you can know by looking for the following symptoms. 

Symptoms of Dog Constipation

Symptoms may vary according to the cause of constipation.

In some cases, the only symptom you may notice is straining and an overall difficulty to defecate. 

Refusal to eat

Just like humans, dogs feel bloated and heavy when they are constipated. This reduces their appetite so that they eat less than they normally would. At times, they may even refuse to eat.

Tiredness or lethargy

A constipated dog may be lethargic, tired and less active. They may not be interested in activities that they normally enjoy and be reluctant to engage in any strenuous physical activities.

Straining while passing stools

This is one of the major symptoms for recognizing constipation in a dog. They have to work hard to go, and when they do they may not go much.

Unfortunately, you yourself may have experienced this difficulty to pass stool, and don’t want to see your dog going through this trama.

Hard, dry stools

Here is another key dog constipation symptom.

When your dog does defecate, it should be soft and easily passed. If your dog’s stool is frequently dry and hard, it is a sure sign that your dog is constipated.

When stool remains in your dog’s colon too long, too much moisture is extracted. This causes stool to be shrivelled up, so when they do go their stool may be a smaller stool.

Swelling around the anus

Due to the need to strain during defecation, your pet may be have redness or swelling around the anal region.

If you note this, keep an eye on your dog when he poops to see if there is straining, and whether the stool is dry and hard.

Abnormal gait

In some pets, chronic constipation can lead to a difficulty in walking, resulting in an abnormal gait.

This could also be caused by soreness and swelling around the anal region.

A Possible Solution

Whatever may be highly beneficial to your dog’s body.

It is rich in magnesium, a valuable nutrient found in body fluids that helps in relieving constipation.

Magnesium helps to relieve constipation by enhancing the water retention capacity of the colon.

This in turn propels the intestinal contractions and move things forward. Increased water in the colon also makes the stools soft and moist. 

Just add a drop of ionic sea minerals for every 2 pounds of weight each day to your dog’s drinking water and watch the magic.

Click here for more remedies for dog constipation.

Constipation caused by a medical condition

In some cases, a dog’s constipation could be due to some underlying medical disorder.

If constipation persists, please see your dog’s veterinary doctor to find the reason of your dog’s constipation. 

Conclusion, dog constipation symptoms

At times, there are no visible signs and symptoms of constipation in your dog. The best way is to watch when your dog defecates.

Improved physical activity, a healthy diet and increased fiber and water intake are some of the long term solutions for relieving chronic constipation.

Make sure you try home remedies and natural supplements before giving any laxatives to your pet.  Talk to the vet prior to using any laxatives.

(Return from Dog Constipation Symptoms to Constipation in Dogs)

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