Constipation Information
Helpful Answers, by Stephanie

Stephanie experienced terrible constipation all throughout her childhood. As an adult, she has experimented with various things, found what works, and what doesn't work.

This page has links to Stephanie's articles
that deal with the constipation solutions

If you have read any of Stephanie’s Inspirational Writings, then you have no doubt enjoyed her skill as a word crafter.

Scroll down for more detailed information about each article before choosing which to go to. I encourage you to get a cup of coffee or tea, sit back, and enjoy her witty insights into life and constipation. I trust they are helpful to you.


Constipation foods

These constipation foods tend to cause tight bowels. Become aware of what is responsible for those painful bowel movements; plus a secret weapon to win the battle.

Foods to relieve constipation

Foods to relieve constipation that actually taste good. These sweet treats can quickly get the bowels functioning properly.

Fruits for constipation

Eat fruits for constipation relief. Don't struggle with regularity. These 8 fruits can work wonders to get the bowels functioning normally.

Diet to overcome constipation

The right diet to overcome constipation is now at your fingertips. Learn from my mistakes, and discover the answers I found to live constipation free.


Get quick constipation relief

By experience I know what works and magnesium is the secret. I get quick, gentle relief, plus ongoing freedom. Plus, magnesium offers numerous health benefits.

Relieving constipation naturally. Tried and true methods

What did our ancestors do for constipation? Explore with me the natural means they used to overcome constipation.

Home remedies for constipation relief

Say goodbye to harsh laxatives, enemas and suppositories. Find lasting relief by following these simple guidelines, using normal household items.

Herbal tea offers a pleasant form of constipation relief

Brew up some herbal tea constipation relief. Here is a list of herbal teas to experiment with, including how each tea promotes health AND relief.

Coconut oil for constipation relief

Taking coconut oil is a great all natural, healthy choice for constipation relief. It helps moisturize and lubricate feces, plus its a good source of dietary fiber.

The flax oil secret for constipation

Flax oil softens the stool, lubricates the colon wall, and its wonderful nutrients soak into the colon, strengthening the colon muscle. It is a useful tool for avoiding and treating constipation.

Take olive oil for constipation and for better health

Did the Greeks come up with using olive oil to help with constipation? Either way, it works! Olive oil lubricates, and prompts in the production of bile.

Constipation tips for attaining soft, regular bowel movements

Follow these 5 constipation tips, and you may just be free from constipation forever! I used to suffer from chronic constipation. Let me share my secrets to victory!

Tea can bring sweet relief
to constipation

Here is a list of teas that can
help to get the colon moving.
However, learn why too
much tea can have the
opposite effect.

Using juices as a constipation home remedy

What a wonderful tool. Here
you will find a list of the best
vegetable and fruit juices to
help defeat this monster
called constipation.

Treatment for
chronic constipation

I share my experience using
various constipation remedies
to finally reach a solution for
regular bowel movements.

Mineral oil for constipation

I have a lot of experience with the good, the bad and the ugly.

Ok for occasional relief, but don't make a habit of it.

Castor Oil for Constipation

Castor oil for constipation. It works, but is it a good idea?
Castor oil for constipation works in 3 ways.

1. It lubricates the colon

2. It helps prevent water from being
absorbed from the stool

3. It also hinders nutrient absorption

Prune juice for constipation

It is almost legendary in its effectiveness to move the bowels.

Is this legendary hype, or does it really work?

How to deal with potty training constipation

Is anxiety, shame, fear of your reaction, rebellion
or a physical distress to blame?

Learn how to respond to each.

I hope you enjoy this constipation information as much as I have.

These articles are by Stephanie

(Return from Constipation Information to Best Constipation Remedies)

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