Constipation Cats

By Dr. Ritu Krishnatreye, BHMS

Constipation cats

Constipation is a relatively common condition in cats, especially older cats. Constipation is not a disease, it is merely a symptom that the digestive system is not working properly.

Occasional constipation is not a various serious disorder. However, long term feline constipation can lead to a loss of appetite and other undesired complications.

Symptoms of Cat Constipation

Watch for the following signs and symptoms to tell whether your cat is constipated. 

  • Excessive straining during defecation

  • Stools are hard and dry

  • Stools are too small 

  • Bowel movements are three to five days apart

If you note any of the above, then your cat has symptoms of constipation. Other signs to look out for include:

  • A lack of appetite

  • Lethargy and weakness

  • A lack of interest in any activity

  • A distended or tender abdomen

  • A dribbling of small amounts of loose or blood tinged feces

Reasons for Constipation in Cats

There are several factors that can cause constipation in cats.

These include:

  • Not enough fiber in the diet

  • Swallowing of objects that can’t be digested

  • Certain medical conditions

  • A lack of exercise

  • Stress


As in humans, a diet with too little fiber can result in constipation.

Roughage increases the bulk in fecal matter, which helps with moving it through the colon. A diet rich in protein and fats but lacking in soluble fiber can lead to constipation. 

A dehydration is another common cause of constipation in cats.

Indigestible objects

Cats can swallow a lot of hair while grooming, which can result in hair balls forming in the digestive system.

Swallowing ingestible items like sticks or hair can cause a partial blockage in the intestines and lead to a difficulty in passing stools. 

Medical conditions

Any medical condition, such as colon cancer or pelvic or anal injuries, may cause a narrowing of the anal canal, resulting in constipation.

  • Certain metabolic, endocrine and neurological disorders can cause constipation in cats.

  • Megacolon is another medical condition that can cause constipation in your pet. It is a condition where the colon becomes weak and dilated, losing its ability to contract and move stool along. Over a period of time, feces accumulates in this dilated and enlarged colon.

  • Use of any medications or antibiotics can affect digestive health and cause abnormal passage of stools. 

Environmental issues

A dirty litter box can cause constipation, since kitty may avoid using it and resist the urge to go.

This means that stool stays longer in the colon, giving the colon the opportunity to extract more moisture, making the stool dry and hard.

Lack of exercise

Older cats tend to avoid a lot of physical activity. It has been proven that a sedate lifestyle contributes to constipation. 

Tips to Relieve Constipation in Cats

Your cat’s diet

The number one cause for constipation in cats is their diet. So this is a good place to start to relieving the problem.

  • A high fiber diet is normally very successful in treating constipation symptoms. Fiber absorbs water, which helps to keep stools soft and moist.

  • Canned or fresh mashed pumpkin is a great source of fiber and an effective remedy for constipation in cats.

  • Include raw vegetables and fruits like carrots and mangoes in your cat’s diet

  • Wet food does better at adding moisture to dry, hard stools. Be careful to increase fiber gradually, as a sudden increase may cause diarrhea.

  • Purchase a specially formulated high fiber cat food. Make sure to look over the nutritional and fiber analysis on the label prior to buying the product.

  • Put out a fresh bowl of water each day to help keep your cat hydrated, and monitor whether. your cat is drinking enough. In cases of severe dehydration, consult your veterinary doctor. Your cat may require intravenous fluids to balance the water and electrolyte content in the body. 


If your cat is lethargic, try and involve it in some sort of physical activity. Exercise promotes healthy digestion and helps to relieve constipation.

Stress relief

Anxiety and stress are other causes of constipation.

To solve the problem, try to find the source of stress and remove it. You can also check with your vet about medications or therapy to deal with anxiety.

Get rid of hairballs

  • Have you ever noticed a cat eating grass? Grass can help with hairball removal.

  • There are also special hairball products designed to help a cat to cough up a hairball.

  • Some types of cat food are especially formulated to help remove hairballs.

A clean litter box

To remove any anxiety your cat feels about using a dirty litter box, it is best to clean the litter box out daily. Your cat deserves a clean place to go.

Litter that has clumping action is especially nice for keeping a litter box clean.

Give your cat a sea mineral supplement

There is a natural sea mineral supplement that may be quite effective at keeping your cat regular. Just a drop for every 2 pounds of body weight per day may be all that is needed.

That is because beneficial trace minerals.  An animal’s blood (including ours) contains almost the same exact percentages of these minerals as is found in ocean water.

But modern fertilizers don’t contain most of these, so many of these trace minerals have gradually disappeared from our food supply. 

To include Ionic sea minerals to your cat’s diet, add one drop for every two pounds of body weight to milk or cream.

The sea minerals have a bitter taste, so be careful to dilute them with enough liquid so as to neutralize the taste. Taste test it yourself to make sure it is ok before giving it to your cat.

An obstructed colon

In case you suspect an intestinal obstruction or an underlying medical condition, consult your vet right away, as a total obstruction may be life threatening. Check out for any signs of swelling or redness around the anal region.

Cat laxatives

There are numerous laxatives on the market for cats. However, it is best to talk with your vet before giving them to your cat.

Conclusion, constipation cats

Keeping a clean litter box is one of the most helpful things you can do keep your cat healthy. Occasional constipation may take care of itself and not require any changes.

However, repeated instances of constipation in cats should be dealt with. Usually a change in diet is all that is needed, but exercise and weight management are also helpful. 

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