Constipation Back Pain
Why It Happens
How To Beat It

When it comes to constipation back pain, the systems of the body sometimes behave like a house of cards. One bodily function gets into trouble, and a whole host of other problem come falling down with it.

When a process as important as the elimination of waste becomes compromised, it can cause a ripple effect that spreads to surrounding tissue and organs. 

The bowels and lower back touch each other. Even with mild cases of constipation may cause some back pain. 

The Global Healing Center says:

When the colon gets really backed up, the lower back can experience increased pressure, resulting in back pain. As waste continues to be produced, it inevitably can produce greater pain, if the problem of impaction isn't taken care of.

Cancer Research of the United Kingdom agrees:

“The symptoms of impaction are similar to the symptoms of constipation. But other more serious symptoms can occur.

These include...back pain due to the mass of stools pressing on the nerves in your lower back (sacral nerves.)” 

Oscar Uzoma goes even farther when he says:

“Constipation … is a major cause of discomfort and back pain. This can be rather frustrating, painful and debilitating."

"When an individual aches in the back and has constipation at the same time, it's mostly because of the weight and pressure of the overloaded intestine on the lower back. This often occurs among adults because of their eating habits and lifestyle.”

How constipation causes back pain

Our backs are a complex array of ligaments and muscles centered around the spinal column. These bones, muscles and connective tissue work together to support our weight and protect our nervous system.

However, they must remain flexible as we walk, bend, sit and twist about.

The back is notoriously vulnerable to injury and pain. This is why so many people are afflicted with aches, strains and slipped disks at some point in their lives. Constipation makes this vulnerability worse.

Slow stool movement or impacted stool (impacted means a dangerous complete blockage that lets nothing by) hinder the natural movement of the lower back, causing strain and making it difficult for the muscles and tissues to absorb shock.

Symptoms of constipation back pain

When constipated, stool can cause a distention of the colon. This can spread discomfort and bloating through the entire abdomen. This often leads to lower back pain.

Back pain that's related to constipation will most often be dull and nagging, not sharp and severe. If you do experience back pain that grows in intensity and is accompanied by tingling or numbness in the lower extremities, pay attention.

Such back pain might be caused by more severe issues such as spinal cord damage, infection or tumors. Because constipation back pain is a side-effect of the distention of the colon, the pain should subside as soon as the constipation is dealt with.

Don't reach for a pain reliever

What is our instinctive response when we experience back pain? To reach for a painkiller.

But for constipation back pain, pain meds aren't a good choice. Painkillers might actually make the problem worse. Many pain killers lessen nerve function, which hinders the body’s ability to control the colon.

This is especially true for stronger painkillers like codeine and Hydrocodone. These are specifically known to worsen constipation. In fact, most Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory drugs also bring along a higher risk for constipation.

The best approach

Deal with the underlying problem, not the pain. When you eliminate constipation, bowel movements return to normal, and the associated back pain usually subsides.

I can just hear your response: “That’s easier said than done”.

Magnesium, the silver bullet

In preparing a patient for surgery, doctors commonly prescribe a magnesium treatment to clean out the bowel.

The reason magnesium is the treatment of choice is that it pulls water into the colon. This does three things:

  1. Moistens the stool

  2. Added moisture bulks up the stool, producing an urge to go

  3. The moisture makes the stool slick, aiding in elimination

Philips Milk of Magnesia and Epson Salt are two common over the counter magnesium based constipation products. These are effective, but are only meant for occasional use.

Finding long-term relief

If you could simply take a little magnesium each day and eliminate constipation back pain, would you?

Ionic sea minerals is a sea mineral supplement with a daily dose containing 106% of the US RDA for magnesium. For most people, this is more than enough to eliminate constipation on an ongoing basis. Not only can daily magnesium end constipation, but it might end back pain as well.

Here’s the report from an RN who tried the product.

Prevention is always better

Fecal impaction may cause lower back pain along with a score of other symptoms, and is much more difficult to treat than simple constipation.

It's far better to take preventative measures now, before an impaction occurs. Using a daily magnesium supplement may significantly reduce the long-term constipation, thus preventing fecal impaction.

By J. Paul Roe

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