Calcium Constipation
Why it Happens, and
A Simple Solution

Calcium Constipation. When considering the various causes of constipation, calcium must be included as a major factor. Calcium is one of the reasons why dairy products are considered “binding”.

Some folks take a calcium supplement to counteract bone loss due to osteoporosis, menopause or aging. While counteracting bone loss is important, the way one does it is also important if they want to avoid constipation. Like dairy, calcium supplements can also contribute to the constipation.

Third, many Americans who suffer from heartburn take a calcium rich product like Tums or Rolaids to try and get some relief. The extra calcium tends to tie up their bowels, unless balanced out by magnesium.

How calcium promotes constipation

Calcium has a certain effect on muscles. It causes them to contract, to become tense. Since the colon is in effect a muscle, calcium constricts it as well. In this way calcium hinders the colon from doing its job of moving stool along.

Calcium supplements often make the problem worse, because we tend to take more calcium than the body is able to absorb. This unabsorbed calcium travels to the colon, where it causes it to tense up. That is why it is better to take calcium in smaller increments throughout the day. Of course, the best source of calcium if from eating healthy food.

Magnesium is needed to balance out calcium

Magnesium’s effect on muscles is the exact opposite of calcium’s.

Whereas calcium tightens muscles, magnesium relaxes them. This is especially important information for those who consume a fair amount of calcium each day.

Most chemical fertilizers don’t contain magnesium, meaning that most of the food we eat is deficient in magnesium. The result is that 80% of Americans don't get enough magnesium in their diet.

How can we get the magnesium we need to offset the calcium in our diet, and thereby get rid of calcium constipation?

The solution: take a magnesium supplement

Now days it is difficult to eat enough food to get the magnesium we need. Some doctors now recommend that we take a magnesium supplement. This especially applies to those who get a lot of calcium.

In fact, a magnesium supplement may be the best answer for most people who struggle with constipation. Not only does it balance out calcium to restore proper colon function, but it also draws water into the colon.

This moistens and softens the stool, making defecation much easier.

Health benefits of magnesium

What does magnesium do in the body that makes it so indispensable? 

•    It helps to digest food
•    It contributes to hormone balance
•    It assists muscle function
•    It works to sustain energy
•    It builds up bones
•    It activates muscles and nerves

Many heart problems, muscle spasms, seizures, and various other health issues can be traced back to a lack of magnesium. Magnesium is vital to just about every function of the body. Many of these functions play a part in proper bowel activity.

Why choose a sea mineral supplement

One of the best ways to ensure you get the proper amount of magnesium each day is by taking a concentrated sea mineral supplement, one with 106% of the US RDA of magnesium.

Why is a valuable trace minerals which are so lacking in the average American's diet.

Most farming operations don’t replace these trace minerals when they apply fertilizer, and many have disappeared from the soil and from our food.

Conclusion, calcium constipation

Calcium constipation is prevalent in those who eat a lot of dairy, take antacids on a regular basis, or take a calcium supplement.

A magnesium supplement is recommended to balance out calcium’s effect. This added magnesium:

  • Promotes a softer stool for easier bowel movements
  • Results in bulkier stool, which helps to increase the urge to go
  • Is effective constipation relief without cramping

Magnesium is missing in the diet of most Americans, but it doesn't have to stay that way.

Magnesium supplementation is inexpensive, and may quickly and effectively reverse constipation, and especially constipation caused by calcium. The health benefits of getting adequate magnesium are clear, as are the dangers of being magnesium deficient.

All these facts add up to one conclusion: in most cases magnesium supplementation is the best way to deal with a calcium constipation problem.

(Return from Calcium Constipation to Calcium and Constipation)

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