Back Pain
Before Bowel Movement

By Dr. Ritu Krishnatreye, BHMS

Back pain before bowel movement

There is a definite link between back pain and bowel movements.

Many people experience minor or severe pain in the lower back before, during or after defecation.

Apart from digestive ailments, back pain that is associated with bowel movements can also be due to some vertebral or nervous condition that involves a neurologic disorder. 

5 Ways a Bowel Movement Can Cause Back Pain

1. Constipation

The most common cause of back pain caused by a bowel movement is constipation.

When a person is constipated, it can put excessive strain on the back, leading to muscle contractions. This can lead to pain in the lower or middle back.

Chronic constipation is another potent cause of back pain. Chronic constipation can lead to an accumulation of fecal matter in the colon, which can partially or totally block the large intestine, causing a build-up of pressure in the intestines.

This build-up pressure can cause pain in the lower and middle back. The pain is worse when the person is straining to have a bowel movement.

2. Flatulence

Intestinal gas, also known as flatulence, is the gas trapped in the intestines. The gas is created by gut bacteria as a by-product of breaking down certain foods.

This trapped gas can cause cramps and abdominal bloating. This can affect the back muscles, resulting in back pain. This pain can increase during a bowel movement until trapped gas is released. 

3. Irritable bowel syndrome

Categorized as a psycho-somatic disorder, irritable bowel syndrome is characterized by alternate bouts of diarrhea and constipation. It may be caused by stress, certain foods or other factors.

Intestinal gas, abdominal bloating and a sudden urge to defecate are other common symptoms of IBS. When these symptoms occur frequently, they can lead to back pain before a bowel movement. 

4. Vertebral or neurological causes

Vertebral subluxation or vertebral misalignment can occur due to mechanical causes, and may lead to muscular strain or ligamentous sprain.

Physical causes include:

  • Slouching in a chair

  • Twisting, lifting, carrying or pulling with improper body mechanics

  • Driving in a hunched position

  • Standing or bending down for long periods

  • Overstretching

  • Driving for long periods without taking a break

This back pain may not be initiated by having a bowel movement, but straining while passing feces can aggravate the condition. 

5. A tumor in the back or in internal organs

Any such tumor can affect the normal passage of stool, causing back pain before bowel movement. 

Tips to Relieve Back Pain Before a Bowel Movement

Deal with constipation

The first and foremost tip to relieving back pain before bowel movements is to relieve constipation or other common digestive ailments, like bloating and flatulence.

This can usually be accomplished by:

Another way to relieve constipation is by taking a daily magnesium supplement.

Magnesium helps to naturally draw extra water into the colon. This helps to keep fecal matter soft and moist until it is passed from the body.

Add to this that magnesium is critical to bodily function, and may offer numerous health benefits to most Americans. 


Irritable bowel syndrome is a chronic condition. daily magnesium supplement for a month or longer has helped to reduce or remove IBS symptoms.

Medical disorders

Vertebral or neurological causes are amajor concern and require careful evaluation by a specialist. Avoid sitting or standing for long hours and adopt a correct posture to help prevent back pain. 

Conclusion, back pain before bowel movement

As mentioned above, back pain before bowel movement is usually due to common digestive conditions that can usually be easily managed with proper diet modifications

(Return from Back Pain Before Bowel Movement to Constipation Pain)

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