Back Constipation Pain

By Dr. Ritu Krishnatreye, B.H.M.S.

Back constipation pain

Soreness and a dull pain in the lower back region may be related to irregular bowel movements. 

Our mental image when thinking about constipation is sitting on the toilet and straining in an effort to pass large or dry stool. During these intense moments we may feel some pain in the back.

Not only this, but constipation may be one of the reasons for chronic back pain. To help in getting rid of this pain, lets look at the relationship between constipation and back pain.

2 Ways Constipation Can Cause Back Pain

A look at the back and the colon

Our backs are a highly complex and intricate structure of machinery, comprised of vertebrae, muscles, connective tissue and muscular discs. The lower back is located directly behind the small intestine and colon.

The job of the colon is to absorb nutrients, extract water and propel waste materials along for elimination. In order to work effectively, the colon needs a sufficient amount of water and roughage, as well as a balance of healthy bacteria.

1.  Impaction in the colon

Unfortunately, today’s fast food culture and sedentary lifestyle cause a lack of the above mentioned vital components. 

As a result, bowel movements become sluggish over a period of time, causing constipation. A lack of water and fiber causes stool to become dry and hard.

Hardened stool is difficult to move through the colon, and when it is time to defecate, it usually requires some straining. When a person becomes constipated, waste accumulates in the colon, leading to a degree of impaction. 

An impacted colon puts pressure on the muscles and nerves in the adjoining area, which may trigger back pain.

2.  Straining to defecate

When constipated, we tend to strain hard to eliminate dry, hard stool. Our back muscles are involved in this straining action. 

Moreover, when we strain in a bent forward seated position, the intervertebral disc pressures are at their greatest. The seated bent forward posture predisposes us for back pain.

When suffering from constipation, it is best to breathe out during exertion, and to maintain a proper posture when evacuating our bowels.

Placing a foot stool in front of the toilet can help us assume the favorable position of elevating our knees towards our chest without placing added strain on vertebrae.

Tips to Avoid Back Constipation Pain

Constipation with back pain can negatively affect our day-to-day activities. 

Fortunately, back pain caused by constipation is treatable, simply by preventing constipation. Here are some easy ways to loosen up stool and prevent constipation.

1.  Stay hydrated

Water is an important factor for avoiding constipation. Drink plenty of water to keep the body hydrated. Water helps in the softening of fecal matter, and soft stool is easier to eliminate.

2. Eat more fiber

Both soluble and insoluble fiber are extremely good for the body. Fiber-rich foods act as natural laxative, and facilitate easy excretion of fecal matter. 

Avoid eating fast food and food containing refined flour, since these are a major cause of constipation.

3.  Maintain an active lifestyle

The 9 to 5 job with no physical activity is again a major factor responsible for sluggish bowel movements. 

We all know that moving our bodies and indulging in some physical exercise on a daily basis helps us to stay fit and healthy, but did you know that regular exercise may help to prevent constipation and relieve symptoms of back pain? Walking and swimming are great activities to strengthen core muscles.

4.  Increase magnesium consumption

To alleviate back constipation pain, our aim is to address the root of the problem, which is constipation. One of the most beneficial natural laxatives is magnesium.  

Daily intake of a magnesium supplement may help in treating or preventing constipation.

Magnesium sulfate supplements are effective for constipation relief, since this form of magnesium is not well absorbed by the body.

Magnesium sulfate stays in the colon, where it helps to relax a tense colon muscle, plus draw in water. The extra moisture helps to keep stool moist, soft and slippery, making it easier to pass.

Magnesium is involved in several energy reactions in the body. It maintains good energy levels, helps us relax and get a good night’s sleep and helps to sustain heart health.

80% of Americans don't get enough magnesium in their diet. A magnesium supplement may also result in other health benefits, including improved digestion.

Conclusion, back constipation pain

Chronic back pain can be quite frustrating.

Add to this the problem of constipation, and it can be a real burden. To get rid of back constipation pain, it is important to deal with the cause.

Magnesium supplements are natural means of dealing with constipation, and unlike many other laxative products, are not habit forming.

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