Aloe Vera
Constipation Remedy

Using an Aloe Vera constipation remedy may indeed help with constipation. Aloe latex (the milky sap contained in the Aloe rind) contains anthroquinones and anthrones. It comes from just under the plant's skin and is yellow in color.

Aloe latex is an all natural class 1 stimulant laxative. It stimulates colonic peristalsis (it contracts the colon muscle to move stool along).

Ways Aloe transparent gel helps constipation

The transparent gel obtained from the center of the leaf contains no latex, and does not stimulate peristalsis. However, it may be an Aloe Vera constipation remedy in the following ways.

  • Aloe can help to soothe an inflamed, irritated colon, so it may function better.

  • Aloe may help break down food in the intestines, which means that stool spend less time in the colon.

  • Aloe helps to reduce the amount of water absorbed by the colon, which helps to keep stool from drying out.

  • Chronic indigestion can be caused by a fungal infection of the gastrointestinal tract. Aloe gel inhibits the growth of fungus, thus helping beneficial bacteria properly digest food.

Stimulant laxatives are dangerous

Aloe Latex, Senna, Cassia and other stimulant laxatives do cause faster and stronger contractions of the colon and work well to help evacuate stool from the colon. But over time, the body becomes dependent on them, and can’t function without them.

Stimulant laxatives can decrease the colon’s natural ability to contract, which then makes constipation worse. Overuse of stimulant laxatives, including Aloe Vera constipation remedies, may damage nerves, muscles and tissues in the colon.

When a person stops taking stimulant laxatives, it can take a long time for the bowel to return to normal function. Therefore it is best only to take it as a last resort.

Stimulant laxatives don't deal with the underlying cause of constipation. This website is all about helping you deal with these underlying causes. Please check out the top menu to learn more.

Limit use, or substitute with other remedies

If you feel it absolutely necessary to take a stimulant laxative, it is best to only do so for a short time. I personally prefer magnesium, which works in a totally different way. It works together with the body by drawing more water into the colon.

I find that if 1 teaspoon of a natural magnesium supplement doesn't do the trick, taking a second most always does.

Who should not take Aloe Latex

Stimulant laxatives can cause severe cramping. Also, Aloe Latex is hard on the kidneys and may lead to kidney disease.

The following people should not take Aloe Latex.

  • Those with acute gastrointestinal symptoms should not take Aloe Latex

  • Children under age 10 should take it, nor should those who are pregnant.

  • Women who are pregnant. The severe cramping that results may lead to miscarriage or abnormal vaginal bleeding.

  • Nursing mothers should also avoid it, as it may contaminate breast milk.

Taking Aloe Vera clear gel

While Aloe latex is a stimulant laxative, the transparent gel found in the center of the leaf contains no latex, and can be taken long-term. It can help with numerous digestive system conditions.

Aloe gel helps to sooth:

  • Stomach ulcers and other stomach ailments
  • Ulcerative colitis
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Inflammation

In fact, it is soothing to the entire gastrointestinal tract.

More help may be needed

Constipation, in a word, is dried feces. When stool stays in the colon too long, the colon draws out too much water, causing the stool to become hardened, dry, and shrink in size.

What if there was a way to keep feces from drying out? For most people, it would spell the end of constipation. While diet and exercise play a role, they may not always be enough.

A permanent solution

I take a daily magnesium supplementSince magnesium draws water into the colon, it keeps my stool moist, making it slick and easy to expel. In fact, my usual time on the pot is less than 10 seconds.

How wonderful this is when compared to the chronic constipation I had to deal with before finding liquid sea minerals. My sea mineral supplement is designed for daily use. My wife and I have used it every day for many years.

It brings with it the many benefits of a magnesium supplement, plus numerous other valuable trace minerals.

Conclusion, Aloe Vera constipation

If you need to take an Aloe Vera constipation relief product as a last resort, then do so. However, I encourage you to only do so temporarily.

(Return from Aloe Vera Constipation to Treatment for Chronic Constipation)

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